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Assistance Dog Program
Assistance Dog Law in the UK
How can we help?
Who can we help?
Dog Selection
Costs & Funding
The Application Process
Minimum Age Requirements
Assessment Day
Phased Partnerships
Foundation stage
Candidate Stage
Basic Training
Advanced Training
Apply Now
Ambassador Dog
Scenario Based Training
Home Support
Group Sessions
Annual Reassessment
Successor Support
Accessible Dog Sports
Dog School
What we offer
Are we right for you?
Eligibility Criteria
Costs & Funding
Stunt Dog School
Express Interest
Current timetable
Guest Trainers
Accessible CPD for Dog Professionals
Responsible Dog Ownership
Assistance Dog Assessor
Assistance Dog Trainer
Assistance Dog Training Assistant
Dog School Instructor
Dog School Assistant
Dog & Client Welfare
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Because independence looks different for everybody
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Assessor Application Form
Name *
Email address *
County *
Town *
Postcode *
Mobile number *
If chosen, do you agree to Infinity Dogs non negotiable position on force free training? *
What certifications do you currently possess relating to dog training? *
Are you, or have you been a member of any membership body for dog training? Please include why you left if applicable: *
Do you hold, or are studying for any qualifications relation to dog training? *
What applicable experience do you think you can bring to Infinity Dogs CIC as a voluntary Assistance Dog Assessor? *
Have you got any experience of assessing people and their dogs? *
What CPD have you, whether formal or informal have you completed in the last 18 months? *
Do you hold a current DBS clearence? *
Do you have your own assistance dog you would be taking to do assessments? *
Do you feel confident in handling a medical emergency or episode? *
Do you feel confident in handling a dog in a stressful environment? *
Would you be confident that you could be politely assertive if required? *
Do you have a disability or medical condition yourself? *
Would you be able to commit to 4 hours a month assessing and travel within at least 5 miles of your home? *
Is there anything you would like to say or let us know about? *
Send me a copy
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